7 Super foods Eat From Today During Winters

 Hello friends, as soon as the winter season starts like this, we cover our body from the outside with sweaters, wearing different things here and also apply cold creams and lotions on our body.In the same way we need to strengthen our body from within in winter and it needs to be nurtured well.In winter, our body produces a lot of energy to keep our body warm inside that is why our body has extra demand for energy.As the weather changes, so does our health because of this our immunity is reduced and begins to weaken that's why our bodies can catch many viruses.But don't worry, there are many foods that we can include in our winter diet also can boost our immunity and keep your body warm.So let us know about the super foods that you can eat for a healthy body in winter.

7 Super foods Eat From Today During Winters


Our first super food is ginger.When we hear the name Ginger , the first thing that comes to our mind is ginger tea that we all enjoy in winter.
Ginger not only produced thermogenic effect It also keeps our body warm.Its anti-Bacterial,From Anti-inflammatory,and Anti-viral properties it boosts our immunity because of this, whatever kind of infections and fevers are kept away from us.And ginger is a very good remedies for nozia disease.It also maintains your blood sugar levels.You can use it to make ginger tea but many people also drink ginger with honey and lemon water and start his day with this.It can also be used with vegetables.

2. Jaggery

Jaggery is most commonly used in winter.In fact, it is rich with antioxidants and it the good source of minerals like iron,zinc and magnesium. Jaggery is not only necessary to warm our body but also provides instant energy.It can also boost your immune system.Due to which these infections also keep distance from us. Jaggery help us to clean our blood and improve blood circulation.And it is also very helpful for those who have a problem with ingestion.So eat some amount of jaggery after meal.It is also very helpful improve your  digestive system.You can also mix sesame seeds with jaggery. 


Nuts are also super foods especially for winter season.All the nuts like,Peanut,walnut,almond etc contain fatty acid.And with that it contain a lot of vitamins and minerals which keeps up your body muscles And also protect from all kinds of infections.As we all know, nuts are hot which keep our body warm and also boost our immunity.And the important thing is not to drink water after eating nuts.Many people do that like to eat peanuts and then drink water.You may start coughing after that.Instead, you need to use nuts to stay away from coughs.You can use up to a handful of nuts throughout the day and should not eat too much.And with that you can use the combination of Jaggery and Peanut which is very popular.Because we are talking about nuts, we are talking about a seed which is Sesame seed.The use of sesame seeds is also very useful in winter because they are full of antioxidants and they boost your immune system.They give you a lot of benefits so you should use them in winter.

4.Sweet Potato

When we comes to third food, which is  sweet potatoes that we get only in winter.It is full with vitamin,Protein and fiber and minerals which is magnesium,Potassium,and lot of antioxidant which fight against damage of free Radicals and save us from them at the same time, it also boosts our immune system.And because of the good amount of fiber it contains, it also relieves constipation and eliminates inflammation So you must include sweet potato in your diet.Those who can't eat potatoes can eat sweet potatoes instead of potatoes.

5.Citrus Fruits

Every citrus fruits contain lot of vitamin C which is great for winter.People who suffer from cold and infection should definitely use citrus fruits.They contain vitamin C, which is very important for your body especially in winter.Orange fruit is especially popular in winter which you should include in your diet.In addition, you must include lemons and amla in your diet. Amla is a great source of minerals and antioxidants.So you must include citrus fruits in your diet.


7 Super foods Eat From Today During Winters

We all know the benefits of turmeric and turmeric has become a part of our cooking because it is an essential spice.Turmeric contains antibacterial anti-inflammatory and also contains a chemical compound called Curcumin. Curcumin has so much medical power that it boosts our immune system, relieves inflammation and makes you feel better and helps to get sleep.Use turmeric milk which is very beneficial you can drink turmeric milk every night before going to bed and you can use the turmeric in your diet in more ways because it has a wonderful magical power.


In Last we talk about ghee, ghee is not considered as super food but as magical super food.The fatty acids and antioxidants found in ghee provide many health benefits.Which help to improve our immunity create heat in our body provide energy and is very important for our joints and also very beneficial for our memory.It also helps our body absorb minerals and vitamins and especially when our skin gets dry in winter, it also helps to heal our dry skin and prevents it from getting dry.This is something you should definitely include in your winter diet.Make sure you include four tea spoon of ghee in your diet every day.It doesn't matter what diet you are using and whether that diet is for weight loss or weight gain you must use ghee.Ghee must be an essential part of your diet.So you need to add ghee to your diet just like you use other super food.So you will survive disease and infection in winter season.

It is important to note that any super food should be included in your diet with a limit.As we all know excess of everything is bad.That's why if you use these things in limit, it will be very good for your health.That's why use these things in a limit because you can enjoy the winter season

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