Every person's eating habits are different. Some people eat to stay healthy, some people eat to fill the stomach, some people abstain from eating and drinking and some people eat only for taste.Habits, whether they are daily or sometimes what we think about food, have a huge impact on the environment around us and the people and the advertisements shown on TV.And unknowingly we start eating things that have a very bad effect on our health.Weight gain quickly,stomach ailments ,Frequent thoughts in the brain, Excessive fatigue and sudden itching and infection on the body ,Not being able to sleep properly at night Stress to fill Weakness in the eyes and Blood pressure in the body Cholesterol and With the rise of diabetes, joint and kidney related diseases are caused only by eating the wrong foods.So today we are talking about things that are very harmful to our health and we should use them at least.And also let us know how and in what quantity they should be eaten if you use them.
If rice is eaten fresh during the day, it does no harm to them.But most people have a habit of eating leftover rice the next morning.Leftover rice at night can be very harmful to our health.This is because after the rice is cooked, when it cools down, a chemical starts to spread on it and as long as it is kept, this chemical spoils the rice and toxins start spreading on them.And this way the rice is heated as much as you want, it does not release chemicals and food poisoning starts in our body to be very high.Food poisoning causes abdominal pain, constipation as well as headaches.Therefore, to avoid this problem, eat fresh rice.If you want eat leftover rice.If you want to reuse cold rice, put it in a tight lid pot and refrigerate it before it cools down completely after cooking, but only with home-made rice and do not reuse outside rice.
2.Coffee or tea
Tea and coffee can also be harmful to our health in many problems, especially when consumed on an empty stomach because empty stomach occurs at times when we sleep at night and sleep long. The amount of acid in our stomach is very high due to empty stomach and therefore it is recommended to drink two to three glasses of water to eliminate acid.But peoples who drink coffee or tea on empty stomach so the amount of acid in their body starts to increase.It causes problems like Hyper acidity Constipation, gas, indigestion, darkening of skin and hair loss.As the amount of caffeine in tea is high, we gradually become accustomed to it. Then even day or at night, drinking tea on an empty stomach is like burning the stomach and when sugar is also added in it, its effect on our body is ten times greater.Tea should be drunk daily, even if it is a cup, it damages the bones and the heart.That's why don't drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach and try to stop using them altogether.
3.Cold Drink or Soda
In addition, soda and cold drinks are also very dangerous to our health because they contain too much sugar and dangerous chemicals.If we look at them in terms of benefits, there is not a single thing in them that benefits us. Friends, everyone is aware that drinking cold drinks increases obesity and fat a lot but the main thing about obesity is that it accumulates excess fat in the body in unnecessary places.According to a recent study, people who drink more cold drinks are more likely to age prematurely due to the phosphoric acid found in cold drinks and who's appear 5 to 10 years old.
If you add sauces or pickles to your daily diet, the taste of the food will increase, but there is something in it that needs to be used in moderation. It is good for our health, but Too much of it can be harmful to our health.Because many spices and vinegar are used to make pickles, spicy salts and oils contain high levels of sodium which raises blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Because it is so sour, people who eat a lot of pickles often experience a sore throat and a variety of skin allergies, hyper-acidity and inflammation of the body.Therefore, it is very important to use less and less pickles sometimes and don't use too many pickles at once.
Oil is the most basic ingredient in all kinds of food and cooking. This raises the question of which oil is good for health and which is harmful. Dangerous oil Soybean oil is very harmful to our health.Because it is not good for our body's digestive system.It contains a lot of Phyto estrogen.Excessive consumption of soybean oil or something made from soybean is very harmful and it has a huge effect on the hormones of both men and women.Hormonal imbalances can lead diseases ranging from diseases like thyroid, female reproductive system and many more.Therefore, instead of soybean oil, coconut oil, mustard oil or olive oil should be used for cooking.
Whenever it comes to staying healthy, the first thing to advice for is to eat eggs daily.Eggs do no harm to a person who works out daily or who has hard work.Although there is no harm from egg, but eating eggs also increases the amount of cholesterol in our body.People who eat large amounts of eggs have higher levels of cholesterol in their body than people who do not eat eggs and high cholesterol can be very harmful to our heart.That is why some people also eat raw eggs.It is very important to cook milk, eggs or meat or anything that we get from animals.Because eating these things raw increases salmonella poisoning possibilities.And it includes urine and other kinds of dangerous diseases and there is a risk of abdominal pain.Therefore, eggs should not be eaten raw at all.Before cooking and eating them, it is important to recognize that the eggs should be of good quality. If you use native eggs, it is best.
Also, popcorn is a fast-growing substance that people think is not harmful to our body because of its low weight.But every popcorn that comes from outside, except home-made popcorn, whether it is made or packaged, is very harmful to our health.Which produce a lot of fat in our body and eating more popcorn increases the risk of heart disease.So try to eat less outside popcorn.
8.Artificial Colors
In addition, other things that use artificial colors are also very harmful to our health.A lot of artificial colors are being used nowadays to make things look delicious.Colors are increasingly being used in a variety of items from outside, such as cakes, ice creams, packaging juices, toffees and ice cubes, and in chocolates.In addition, artificial colors are being used extensively in spices found in packaging.They use artificial colors to keep them fresh and good for a long time.Artificial color is not good for human body in any way.Nor is it 100% natural to have 100% natural written on each pack of food.Different chemicals are used to make different artificial colors and so different colors affect our health in different ways.The effect of artificial colors on children in particular has been very strong.So try to use these colored things as little as possible.
Also, all the things that are said today are very simple, but if we want, we can reduce their use with a little caution.Every human being can keep the body away from any kind of disease if the use of these things is stopped completely.