Reasons to Eat Bananas

 Did you know that bananas are the most widely and beautiful eaten fruit in the whole world?And it has many health benefits .So we are talking about the benefits of making.A medium size banana contain about 320 to 450 mg potassium.Potassium is the most important minerals in our body.It helps you to contract between nervous to function and muscles to contract.It helps you to normal heartbeat.It can also move nutrient into cells. Banana is a super food because they have more protein,vitamins and potassium.Banana also have more carbohydrates that can helps you to maintain good health.It also helps to maintain the blood sugar level according to the scientist study.It is also very helpful for Lack of blood.

1.Help in Weight Gain

People who are Lean and thin and want to gain weight must include banana in their diet.If you drink one or two glasses of banana shake a day or eat five to five bananas.This will help you to gain weight and you can easily get rid of lean body.And you can do this for about a month for better result.Most people complain that they are not gaining weight and they are not getting fat so the main reason behind them is that they do not feel hungry so how can you gain weight if you eat well or not?That's why you must use banana shake in your diet and eat good and healthy and drinking banana juice for a month will definitely increase and it contain potassium,vitamin C and all other nutrients that helps you to gain weight and there are many benefits to using it, especially after exercise

2.Work as a Energy Booster

Using a shake made to retain energy in the body to relieve fatigue and weakness acts as a natural energy booster.You can get help whenever you feel tired it will also increase your stamina and you feel energetic all time of day.

3.Good for Heart Health

Because it contain good amount of potassium which improves your blood flow and at the same time, oxygen can easily reach every part of your brain and body and it also keeps your high blood pressure normal and it greatly reduces the risk of developing heart disease.According to a study conducted in 2014, people who eat thing which is full with potassium , their heart becomes very strong and the risk of heart related diseases is greatly reduced.Banana is an excellent source of potassium which is very useful for your healthy heart.

4.Improve Your Mood

Bananas are rich in amino acids and vitamin which increase your carotenes level which are the hormones that keep you happy.It also keeps you calm and reduces stress and depression so you can also eat banana to maintain a good mood

5.Unripe Banana for Diabetes 

Raw bananas help a great deal in reducing the risk of both types of diabetes because it increase the production of insulin in the body.Therefore, for a diabetic patient, it is necessary to have raw bananas in his diet.This helps them a lot in controlling their diabetes.

6.Improve Kidney Health

Potassium is very good for controlling your blood pressure as well as your kidneys.Its use also reduces the risk of developing kidney.In addition, pain in the kidneys does not cause weakness in them and other related diseases stones.You can keep your body healthy by adding banana to your diet.

7.Improve Digestive Health

Banana contain dietary fiber which improve your digestive health.It can also reduces the risk of disease like acidity in stomach,Gas,stomach pain and other digestive disease.

8.Good For Your Skin

It contains about 30% magnesium in a medium-sized form which completes your need of the day and magnesium also keeps your skin healthy.It also protects against free radicals that's why making a habit of eating banana is very beneficial for your skin health.

9.Improve Bone Health

Banana also contain fructose which helps our body to absorb other vitamins and potassium.Which makes your bones stronger. They do not develop weakness and the cracks in the boundaries and the pain seems to disappear.If you eat banana less or not at all, then start from today because of these 9 reasons.

10.Provides Natural Energy

Blood contain potassium,minerals,and vitamin provide energy to your body.The natural sugar inside it like glucose,sucrose,fructose keeps our body energized And provide energy in our body.You can keep your body healthy by consuming two to three bananas daily.

11.Prevent From Stomach Ulcer

Banana is very beneficial for your stomach.They help reduce the amount of acid in your stomach.Which is the main cause of stomach ulcer.It also protects you from Acidity.The swift amount of protein in bananas kills your bad bacteria that causes stomach ulcer.So you can get rid of problems like stomach ulcer by using two to three bananas in your diet daily.

12.Reduce Depression 

People who suffer from depression or depression.For them, banana is one of the best food fruits.The compounds in banana keep your brain healthy.People who suffer from insomnia due to pressure.For them too, daily consumption of two to three bananas proves to be very useful.So eat two to three bananas a day to get rid of your anxiety problems.

13.Helpful for nervous system

Vitamin B is desperately needed to keep our nervous system.And vitamin B is present in large amounts in bananas.You can use bananas to keep your nervous system healthy.And the amino acids in them are very important for keeping your brain relax and healthy.It is also use for proper functioning of neurons.Therefore, you must use two to three bananas in your daily diet for healthy brain and body.

Other benefits of banana is

1.It can produce Red blood cells in our body.

2.It contain carbohydrates and fats which produce energy that can strong your body and muscles.

3.It can remove harmful chemicals from our body.

4.It can maintain a healthy Nervous System.

Friend you can get all these benefits if you use 2 to 3 bananas daily.
You can get healthy body and healthy life from bananas because If you say two to three bananas, you will see changes in your body in about 1 months.

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