I hope all of you are doing alright.The topic of today's article is
cancer prevention.
You must have seen around you there are many people who loose their lives to cancer.If we look at males,there is cancer of mouth, throat, lungs,large intestines, bladder, liver,similarly, in females, cancer of breasts, ovaries and cervix is very common.In today's article we will see,what such things can we do that would prevent cancer.Lets discuss the first tip for cancer prevention.
It is very important.Your diet should have fruits and vegetables which are extremely important.If you would incorporate an abundance of them,they give your body nutrients, fiber and very less fat is ingested through them.They stop your genetic material, meaning DNA from damaging which helps stop the process of your body cells converting into cancerous cells.In a lot of researches it is seen that those people who consume a lot of red meat,such as cow meat or goat meat,if they eat a lot of meat,it is very common for them to encounter colon cancer.That is why, try to reduce red meat in your diet.And instead use white meat such as fish or chicken in your diet.Processed meats, such as sausages, hot dogs,in many researches it is stated that they contain nitrites and nitrates which is one of the reasons for cancer.So, if possible, try to avoid them.
The second important thing is exercise. Try that in your daily routine you have incorporated some exercise, because due to exercise, two hormones in our body, estrogen and insulin, both reduce and both these hormones are stated as a reason for cancer in some studies.
You have to maintain your weight, especially around your waist line try that not much fat is deposited there, because in many researches it is stated that fat cells release such substances that help in the growth of cancer cells. That is why, it is better that you maintain your weight.
4.Family History
Your family history is very important for you. Some type of cancers run in the family. Such as ovarian cancer, breast cancer. So, if you have such medical history in your family it is very possible that you too will have such a gene that hinders the repair of DNA properly and body cells start converting into cancerous cells.That is why, if you have any such history in the family then do discuss it with your doctor and ask them that when and what tests you would need to get done,so that you can know everything timely and treatment can be possible.
Many vaccines that we get prevents cancer as well.Such as Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is a vaccine,which is administered in women of reproductive age and this helps prevent vaginal cancer, cervical cancer and anal cancer,because HPV is the cause of these cancers.Moreover,Hepatitis B vaccine also prevents cancer.Those who get this vaccine do not get hepatitis B which is a very big cause of liver cancer.There are some
6.Screening Test
screening tests which if you get them done you can know timely whether you are developing cancer or not.Among these a very common screening test known as pap smear,in which a cervical smear is taken and things found using it are whether you are developing any cervical cancer or not.And if any such case exists, it is treated timely.
Similarly,mammography can detect breast cancer and colonoscopy can detect colon cancer.For all these tests you should seek advise from you doctor, they will tell you when to get these tests and after how long should you get these done.
8.Sun Screen
Sunscreen.It is very important to put on sunscreen because those who roam in sunlight or work long hours in sunlight,they should put on sunscreen,because sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer.To stay safe from skin cancer,it is important that you apply sunscreen.And if you are sweating a lot or swim a lot,they try to re apply it from time to time.Further more, you can use such hats when going out,that provide shade over your face,so that your face stays safe from sunlight.
9.Hormone Replacement Therapy
Some menopausal women are given hormone replacement therapy to reduce the symptoms due to menopause.This therapy relieves their symptoms on one hand and on the other hand they have a danger of developing breast cancer.That is why if you are taking any such medicine then your doctor will tell you which tests you should get before taking these medicine sand if you are taking them, which tests you should get done during that duration.
10.Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking and alcohol.Avoiding these two habits would be good for you,because they can cause mouth cancer, throat cancer,lung cancer, bladder cancer, kidneys' cancer.These two are known for causing many cancers.
I hope if you would follow today's tips then you would stay safe from cancer in your life.