Hope all of you are doing fine.The topic of today's article is muscle cramps,meaning pulls in the muscles.You must have noted many times that you wake up in the middle of the night with severe pain in your leg or foot and you notice that a muscle of yours is completely stiff and you can not move it properly.Similarly, just like this, sometimes when you are jogging or exercising too much you can end up with cramped stiff muscles.This is commonly seen in about 60% adults and in 7% children.So, in today's article we will see that what are such causes that that are reason to such muscle spasms or cramps,and if there are any home remedies for these,and when should you visit a doctor.
Lets start and see what can be the causes of such muscle cramps.
1.Over excretion
First and foremost,over excretion,meaning you did too much exercise, just like how athletes have to exercise all day to keep their body fit.Similarly,some people have such work that they have to stand all day in order to work....And... Especially, when they are working in hot weather, then such people can have complains of muscle cramps.
The second most common cause is, inactivity, meaning this is the other extreme of such people who are not using their muscles at all and keep sitting for long hours or keep lying for long hours such people can also encounter muscle cramps.
Pregnancy is a big cause and mostly women complain that their muscles cramp and they wake up at odd hours of the night with severe muscle pains. This happens due to hormonal changes and sometimes women aren't taking proper nutritious diet which results in these cramps.
3.Old Age
Old age, is a very major cause of cramps and it is commonly noted that after 50 years of age, complaints of muscle cramps begin. Other than this, some people are taking such medicines, some of blood pressure or diabetes, which can have muscle cramps as side effects Other than this,
4.Diuretics Medicines
some medicines known as diuretics that cause excessive urination people taking such medications usually complain of muscle cramps.
Moreover,in some diseases, like heart diseases, kidney diseases or liver diseases or thyroid issues such as hypothyroidism in which thyroid function is below average and besides this bone problems called osteoarthritis that compress the nerves that can cause muscles cramps Major problems in the nerves or some nerve related disease can give rise to complaints of muscle cramps as well.
6.Diet and lack Nutrients
Some people do not take proper diets and lack nutrients like Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium such people can have muscle cramps as well.
Now what happens is, when you have muscle cramps during the night then you usually wake up and that are must be paining and if you touch it you will feel a protruded muscle.
1.Massage or Walk
What you can do for this is try to massage that are and if you can not massage try walking with the support of something walk slowly so that when the muscle is used it relieves the pain.
2.Drink loads of Water
Drink loads of water. Many times it is noted that due to dehydration one experiences a lot of muscle cramps.
3.Moving and Exercising
If the muscle on the back of your leg is cramping try moving the leg forward and backward.If the feet are cramping try exercising the feet up and down. This will cause a lot of pain relief.
4.Pain killer
You can also take a pain killer if the pain is too much to bare.It will reduce your pain and relax you.
Home remedies
Now lets focus on if there are any home remedies that can save us from these muscle cramps.