I hope all of you are doing fine.The topic of today's article is urinary tract infection.Everyday at the doctor's clinic kids, adults including both men and women come in with urinary tract infection.In today's article we will see that what is this infection why does it happen what are it's risk factors,how can we prevent from urinary tract infection and we will also discuss it's treatment and complications.we will see what is urinary tract infection.It is a bacterial infection which can infect urethra, meaning the urinary pipe,bladder,ureters,and kidneys.
Now lets look at the risk factors,what are such conditions in which urinary tract infection gets worse.First of all, it is seen that even though this infection affects both men and women,but women are more prone to getting this infection.Why is that?This is because women have such an anatomical structure that their urinary pipe (urethra)is small.
And secondly, the difference between urethra and anus is very less,because of that the bacteria from gastrointestinal tract can easily travel to urethra and then bladder and cause infection.In pregnancy, women have very high chances of having urinary tract infection.Why is that?It is because of too many hormonal changes our urinary tract dilates which causes urinary stasis and organisms can infect in such conditions easily. Moreover, another change happening during pregnancy is of the growing uterus.As the uterus grows it causes pressure on the bladder which hinders you to clear your bladder fully when you visit the washroom and some urine gets left in the bladder.This can be a cause of infection as well.
The third big cause of urinary tract infection in pregnant women is vesicoureteral reflux.It is such a reflux that when you pass urine in pregnancy some urine passes upwards towards the kidneys and it raises chances of infection in kidneys.
Some people have kidney stones which cause infection again and again.Moreover, in men if they have prostate enlargement it causes hinderance in passing urine and due to this obstruction chances of infection rise.
It is such a disease in which if it gets out of hand then excess sugar starts passing out in urine and sugar is always a very good medium for bacteria to grow in.Furthermore, in diabetic people, immune system is very weak so not only urinary but chances of other infections all over the body are high.There are some kids who are born with genitourinary abnormalities.They too get this infection repeatedly. Passing catheter into the urethra is a very big reason for introducing infection.During operations or after,or due to any reason if there is a need to pass catheter,their chances of contracting this infection rise.
Now let us see what will be it's signs and symptoms.Frequent urination, burning urination,drops of urination,meaning you go to the washroom due to the feeling of wanting to urinate but when you try you pass very less urine,discoloration of the urine,cloudy or dark,smelly urine,these are all symptoms.Moreover, pain in the lower abdomen,pain in your back,fever,nausea or vomiting,tiredness, fatigue,pain in the legs,all these symptoms tell that you might have urinary tract infection.It is not necessary that all symptoms have to be there,if you have even some of these symptoms then consult your doctor as soon as possible,because you might need urine and blood test and it might be necessary for you to get culture and sensitivity test of your urine.Your doctor will get you on an antibiotic coarse, and give you painkillers.
It is important that if you have this infection,then get proper treatment for it,because it has many complications.If the infection persists for longer period of time your kidneys can get affected,they can get damaged,or your urethra (urine pipe) can become narrow,you can become anemic and if during pregnancy you encounter this infection then it can cause low birth weight of the baby as well as premature delivery.
Now lets discuss how can we prevent it.For this, it is most important that you take keen care of your fluid intake.
Take 8-10 glasses of water daily and people in areas with hot temperatures should take even more water.
Other than this, your undergarments should be of cotton.When you are done in the washroom, clean in front to back motions so that bacteria from gastrointestinal tract can not reach urethra.If you use any such deodorants or lotions that irritate your skin then avoid them.
Try that your genital area does not stay moist, but keep it dry. Some people also use cranberry juice or sachets you can use them too.
Cranberry juice does not treat the urinary tract infection,but it stops the bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder,because of that the bacteria get flushed out in the urine.
I hope from today's article you got to learn a lot about urinary tract infection.