I hope all of you are doing fine. The topic of today's article is menopause, meaning the end of your menstrual cycle. As every woman ages with time there comes such a stage when you stop getting your periods and when your periods are gone constantly for over 12 months then we call it menopause. In today's article we will see that at what age does menopause happen, what are it's reasons, what are it's signs and symptoms, and at the end we will share some tips which if you follow you can keep yourself healthy in this period.
What age does menopause happen?
Menopause happens at 45 to 55 years of age,anytime during it,but the average age comes out to be 50 or 52 when most women reach menopause. A few years before menopause happens you might notice your periods get irregular, might get heavy or very light, or you might even miss them a few months. This time period is called perimenopausal stage.There are some women who get menopause way before the average time.If you reach menopause before 40 years of age then it is known as premature menopause. This has it's own reasons of happening.
why does menopause happen?
As you know at the time of birth there is a fixed amount of eggs in our ovaries. As the age increases, the amount of these eggs reduces, and then comes a stage when there is no egg or follicle left in the ovaries and then at that stage menopause happens.
Now less amounts of estrogen hormone are released from the ovaries at that stage, which causes all the symptoms of menopause. If we look at the signs and symptoms then on top of the list that women go through are hot flushes.What are hot flushes? Suddenly while you are sitting you feel a lot of heat in your body and palpitations and the face goes red and you start sweating, and it stays for a while and ends in some time. If this happens at night, then it is called night sweats. Furthermore, mood swings, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, they too are part of menopausal symptoms.
Our heart is protected a lot by our estrogen hormone and when this hormone reduces then we are at risk of developing heart diseases. Your blood pressure can rise, your cholesterol levels can rise, you can encounter a heart attack.
If we look at the health of our hair, then our hair start to get thin and reduce, our skin starts getting thin and wrinkly.
Similarly, indigestion, our gastrointestinal system has lower motility now and often you face heart burn or complain about being gaseous or constipated, and it takes a while to digest food.
Your bones start to get very weak and you can get joint or bone pains.Why does this happen? Because our metabolism of calcium and vitamin D is also under the control of estrogen hormone. When we get deficient in estrogen, our bones start getting thin and we are prone to getting more fractures.
Frequent urination during night is also a symptom of menopause. You can also get urine infection and you can face urine leakage while running to the bathroom.
Similarly, vaginal dryness is also a problem.
Now lets discuss the tips
That can save us a bit from these symptoms.First of all,
1.Your Diet
Your diet is very important.You have to take green leafy vegetables, and fruits.Avoid processed and canned foods. Restrict yourself on tea and coffee.Reduce your intake of sugar and salt. And try to include dairy products in your diet, such as milk, yogurt, cheese so that you keep ingesting a good amount of calcium.Nuts, fish, eggs,these too must be in your diet, so that you get good omega-3 fatty acids as well. Other than this you can also take supplements which should have calcium, vitamin D and magnesium.
The second important tip is exercise. You should make it your routine to daily exercise 30-40 minutes and this exercise should not be too heavy.You can walk, or jog lightly,or you can cycle on a static bicycle.
3.Lifestyle Modification
The third important tip is your lifestyle modification. You have to keep yourself busy choose a hobby for yourself, such as gardening, or if you like anything else, then add it to your daily routine, so that you don't feel stressed out.
Reduce tea and coffee.
If someone has a habit of smoking,then try to avoid that too.
Try to enlarge your social circle, so you become socially active and if you have any stress then you can communicate it with someone else.
4.Use Of Medicine
The fourth tip is use of medicine.There are many medicines that are used by people who face these symptoms severely, and the categories of these drugs are different.
For example if some one is getting a lot of hot flushes then your doctor can prescribe a drug specific to that. Similarly, some drugs can be used for osteoporosis and those who have premature menopause meaning before the age of 40, doctors give them hormone replacement therapy, known as HRT.Before giving these, your doctor will examine you in detail and take some tests and then this therapy is started.
This can be used within the age of 50 to 60.
5.Regular Visit to the Doctor
The last important tip is your regular visit to the doctor.You must get a detailed checkup done by your doctor yearly.
I hope, you learned a lot about menopause from this article.If you like my content you can write in comment box which you want which you want to write.
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