How To Confirm Pregnancy

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How To Confirm Pregnancy
How To Confirm Pregnancy

The topic of today's article is how to confirm pregnancy. Many women have this question tell us such a way that how to confirm our pregnancy as soon as possible.

In today's article we will see what are such methods which can confirm a pregnancy.

1.Pregnancy Test Through Urine

The first thing for how to confirm pregnancy which is very common and you must know of it already, is the pregnancy test through urine. 

Pregnancy Test at home

This test can easily be done by yourself at home.You can bring a pregnancy stick from any pharmacy, which is used for detecting pregnancies, read the instructions given on the packaging and get your test done at home, 

or you can go to your doctor's clinic, there too you can get this test done easily. 

You can get your result at that very moment as well. You must know already that as soon as fertilization takes place and the embryo attaches to the uterine wall then a hormone starts being developed known as HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.

When this hormone is secreted in your urine, it also enters your blood, that is why we can test our pregnancy through a stick.

The stick checks for this hormone in your urine. You have to read instructions on the packaging because some sticks require for you to collect your urine and immerse the stick and check after 2 or 3 or 5 minutes, depending on what stick you used and then you get your results.


In this article we will also tell you the result.The results is often in the form of two bright lines, and if you want to reconfirm your pregnancy, you can repeat the test.

You have to do this test a day after missing your period. In the market there are such kits now a days that can detect your pregnancy before your period date arrives.

If suppose you get a negative test result, you must check it again after a week and you can also consult with your doctor.

2.Blood Checked For HCG Hormone 

The next method for how to confirm pregnancy is, if you want to check your pregnancy earlier than the time a stick requires,then you can get your blood checked for HCG hormone and for that you would be required to give some blood.

The highlight of this method is that you can detect your pregnancy very early but unlike a urine test, it's results are not that quick, as in urine test you get to know your results in the next 5 minutes.

This blood test, can be done 6 to 7 days after the date of fertilization and pregnancy can be detected.

The level of HCG almost doubles up in every 48 to 72 hours and if you have any doubts you can get it repeated again after a few days, and if you notice that their levels are rising then it means you are pregnant.

Sometimes in this test reveals a very high level of HCG though the time elapsed in pregnancy is not that much.

In such case, consult with your doctor, because you could be having a twin pregnancy or a molar pregnancy and if we look at the other side.

Sometimes the test reveals lower levels of HCG in comparison to the duration of the pregnancy.

In that case too you should consult your doctor because you could be having an ectopic pregnancy or you could have blighted ovum, in which the fetus does not grow.

That is why get this test done with consultation with your doctor,so that they can clinically core late.

3.Test Through Which a Pregnancy Can Be Detected

The third, most important test for how to confirm pregnancy through which a pregnancy can be detected, 

it detects pregnancy a bit later in pregnancy duration, meaning after around 6 weeks, and that is the method of ultrasound. 

In this the doctor can tell you that they have seen a gestational sac or he saw a fetal pole or he saw a yolk sac.In this way you can get a full confirmation. 

I hope you learnt all the different methods to confirm a pregnancy through today's article.

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