Premenstrual Syndrome

 I hope you all are doing great. Today we will tell you what is Premenstrual Syndrome .

Premenstrual Syndrome

Many young girls and many women have symptoms of it, for which they consult their doctors. Premenstrual Syndrome

In today's article we will talk about what is pre-menstrual syndrome, when does it start, what are it's causes,...and...what are it's symptoms and signs, what are such risk factors that could increase pre-menstrual syndrome,

 when should you visit your doctor, and what will your doctor do, and what is it's treatment. 

Moving on,What is pre-menstrual syndrome? These are such conditions that you feel in the days before your period start. 

They can start to appear about 13-14 days before your periods start and they end about 1 week after the end of your periods.

 It can disturb your mood, it can disturb your health as well, there can be behavioral changes, there can be mood changes, there can be other health problems as well. 

What are the causes of PMS? It is seen in many researches, that the sex hormones that are produced, for example in your body during the cycle of your period your estrogen rises as well as progesterone, 

and other than that serotonin levels rise, (serotonin is such a chemical that is present in the brain). 

Due to the changes in all these hormones you experience symptoms of PMS. 

Lets look at the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome in depth. In PMS your mood can be effects, you can experience irritability, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, and nausea, vomiting, or abdominal bloating, abdominal pains, food cravings, especially you feel like eating sweets a lot, 

you can also experience breast tenderness, anxiety, depression. You can feel all these symptoms before the start of your periods. It isn't important that a patient will face ALL these symptoms. Some people may experience some symptoms while others may experience others. 

There are some risk factors, if present, those people will experience these symptoms more severely than others. 

What are those?

First Factor Of Premenstrual Syndrome

If a patient has a family history of severe PMS, meaning she has mother, sisters, cousins or aunts who have specific symptoms of PMS, it is a chance that the patient will experience such symptoms as well. 

Second factor Of Premenstrual Syndrome

A family history of depression or the patient themselves are suffering from depression, such people suffer more from symptoms of PMS. If someone is drug addict, they too tend to have harsher symptoms of PMS. 

Now when should you visit your doctor? If you feel like you have such symptoms that you experience at the same time every month for example severe tummy ache,or a very low mood or depression

,and other such symptoms that you are experience severely, then you should visit your doctor for sure,or if you feel that your daily routine or your work is effected a lot due to these symptoms of PMS then too you should talk to your doctor.

Now what the doctor will do when you approach them?Your doctor will take you complete history along with family history and you will be fully examined, 

you might undergo some tests, of which some tests might be of hormones, like estrogen, progesterone levels can be checked, thyroid hormones can be checked, and other than this,

 whatever the doctor feels necessary those tests will be advised.After that,what happens mostly is that you are given a diary in which you have to write monthly about which symptom you faced appeared when, 

and you are told to maintain that diary for about 3-4 months and visit your doctor again so they can assess which symptom is appearing when so they can diagnose easily if your symptoms are of pre-menstrual syndrome for sure or not. 

Now lets talk treatment Of Premenstrual Syndrome

You should know that Pre-menstrual syndrome can not be cured.You can only reduce the severity of the symptoms that appear for you.How can that be done? 

You have to keep your diet healthy, use more fruits and vegetables, use whole grains, and reduce sugar intake, as well as salt intake,

 take less carbohydrates, these things affect a lot too. 

If you can, then add some supplements, like calcium, magnesium, vitamin B-6, folic acid,

 these too help curb the symptoms of PMS. Make sure you have a full sleep, atleast you should get 8 hours of sleep daily.

Since many girls spend late nights using mobiles or working, you have to try to look after your sleep. 

If you can, do add some exercise to your daily routine, walk or do any other exercise of your liking for atleast 30 minutes to 1 hour. 

Another advantage of exercise will be that your stress levels will remain low.

Moreover, if you are experiencing a lot of pain in your abdominal area you can use pain killers prescribed by your doctor. Till now we were talking about mild-moderate symptoms of PMS,

sometimes these symptoms are very severe, and the patient experiences extreme depression or may be having bad thoughts, and they isolate themselves, 

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and they might loose their appetite. So, in such case if you are facing such severe symptoms, you should visit your doctor, it could be possible that they may refer you to a psychiatrist to help you cope with these symptoms. Premenstrual Syndrome

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