What to do to Improve Your Eyesight

 Hi I am Ghulam Bahoo and will tell you in this article what to do to improve your eyesight .Every people uses their mobiles phone 12 to 16 hours in a day.

This has led to an increase in eye problem.

Improve your eyesight

About 2.2 billion people suffer from vision impairment or blindness.

But 1 billion cases could have been prevented.Your eyes send more input to your brain which provide more than half of the information.

That is why it is most important to protect them from bad things

Today we will learn the natural remedies that you can use to keep your eyes and what are some exercise of eyes that you need to do or what are the food the you need to eat and you will learn that what are the bad habits that you should avoid.

No 1. Eat sun shine colored food

The first thing for what to do to improve your eyesight Orange,Eggs yolk and other yellow color foods can be very beneficial for your eyes.They are full with Zeaxanthin and Luntein that are very important nutrients and protects the health of your eyes. It contain Beta-Carotene which our body uses to make vitamin a. Beta-Carotene is the most important nutrients for your eyes health.

No.2 Get Adequate sleep

If you need healthy eyes provide good sleep to your eyes. Over time, not getting enough sleep can also lead to poor eyesight and many other ailments Such as dry eyes,red eyes,Swelling eyes,pain in eyes and blured vision.That's why you must get proper sleep about 8 to 10 hours.

No.3 Take Screen Break

Nowadays, everyone uses mobile and computer.If you sit on a mobile, computer or any other electronic item for a long time.So it can be with you.The more you sit at the screen, the more your eyes discomfort increases.So sit a short distance from the screen.It is also important to give the eyes a ten minute rest every hour.

No.4 Practice eye exercises

Just as the exercise is most important for the healthy body similarly eyes exercise is most important for healthy eyes.The some exercise is that Rub your palms and warm them then place your hands over your eyes for 5 seconds.Do this about three times.Also, rotate the eyes left and right side.Hold any one of the thing in your hand and focus on it and massage around the eyes is also very beneficial.

No.5 Eats lot of fish

Fish Contain Omega 3 fatty acid.Fatty acid protect your eyes from many problems.Omega 3 fatty acid is very good healthy fat.Which keep your eyes healthy.Fish is a great source of fatty acids but if you don't eat fish then you can also use omega 3 supplements which  is available in both capsule and liquid form.

No.6 Go out for walks and run

Sitting on one place for long time in front of the screen still has a very bad effect on your eye health.The indoor lifestyle especially affects the eyes.Studies also show that spending more times outdoors keeps your eyes healthy.30 minutes of daily jogging gives your eyes a power.

No.7 Quit Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking affects your lungs badly.But you may not know that your eyes are affected by smoking.One study found that smoking exacerbates eye problems such as macular degenration,cataracts,glaucoma and dry eye syndrome.So avoid smoking for healthy eyes and to avoid these diseases.

No.8 Eat lots of green leaf vegetable

Green leafy vegetables are an important way to keep the eyes healthy and prevent various diseases because it contain vitamins and protein that is very important for eye health and protect your eyes from sunlight damage.
Therefore, greens vegetables should be eaten in the form of salads.It also contain vitamin C and beta-carotein that is friendly nutrients for eyes.

If you incorporate them all into your life, you can achieve healthy eyes.

I hope you got a lot of information from our article what to do to improve your eyesight.

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